Stack of books.

What I’m Reading This Month: July

It might not be surprising that I love to read, I think most writers do. But… sometimes I forget just how much I enjoy reading. Like lots of people I can go from devouring books to letting them collect dust on my shelves, distracted by life (and of course binge watching TV series).

One of my summer goals was to read one book each week. I’ve found that when I set a goal and pre-select what I’m planning to read, I read much more than if I just randomly choose books off the shelf. The way July is on the calendar this year, it actually has days that fall into six different weeks! So I’ve chosen six books from my always growing collection.

I haven’t read these yet, so I can’t endorse the content and inclusion in the list shouldn’t be taken as an endorsement of the author. I think it’s a good idea to dig a little and learn about the author behind what you’re reading – remember context always matters.

What I can tell you is I am very excited to read each of these books this month!

July Book List

The Path to Peace: Experiencing God’s Comfort When You’re Overwhelmed
– by Ann Swindell

I was so honored when Ann asked me if she could send me her book. Yes please and thank you friend!

Ann and I met briefly many years ago at a Christian women’s conference and I am truly excited to dig into this beautiful book over the next six weeks.

Ann is an author and a writing teacher. Her work has been featured by multiple publications including Proverbs 31 Ministries, The Gospel Coalition, Risen Motherhood and more.

This book is both Bible study and devotional and includes 40 days of teaching from Ann.

To learn more about Ann visit her website and find her on Instagram at @annswindell

To order your own copy from Amazon: The Path to Peace by Ann Swindell

The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World
– by Melissa B. Kruger

In my research for the book I’m writing I came across Melissa’s book, The Envy of Eve. At first I was hesitant to buy it and read. I worried that perhaps the book I wanted to write was “already written.” And then my friend and writing coach Hannah Brencher (who is an author with multiple published books – all wonderful) told me something so profound and yet so simple. “If you’re seeing the same type of content, the same message everywhere, that must mean this issue is a really big deal to God.”

And I think she’s right.

I believe many of us struggle to find contentment as we move through a world that is obsessed with more. I am looking forward to learning from Melissa’s knowledge and experiences.

To learn more about Melissa visit her website and find her on Instagram at @melissabryankruger

To order your own copy from Amazon: The Envy of Eve by Melissa B. Kruger

Love Your Life Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want
– by Rachel Cruze

For years I didn’t live with a budget because I didn’t like the idea of anything (or anyone) telling me how to spend my money. What I’ve come to realize, even though I’ll admit I’m not good at it yet, is that a budget doesn’t say you can’t spend – it actually says the opposite – this is what you can spend!

I enjoy following Rachel on Instagram (her dad is Dave Ramsey) and am looking forward to reading her perspective and suggestions.

You can learn more about Rachel on the Dave Ramsey website and find her on Instagram at @rachelcruze.

To order your own copy from Amazon: Love Your Life Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze

Fix Your Eyes: How Our Study of God Shapes Our Worship of Him – by Amy Gannett

A few months ago one of my favorite Instagram Bible teachers Phylicia Masonheimer (@phyliciamasonheimer) interviewed Bible teacher and author Amy Gannett as part of the launch of Phylicia’s most recent book, Every Woman a Theologian. You can read my review of that book here.

I loved the way Amy explained complex theological concepts in approachable ways and signed up for her online community, The Bible Study Schoolhouse – which I highly recommend. I have already learned so much from Amy and the courses she offers.

I’m really looking forward to reading this book that focuses on how we can avoid letting our theology of God (the study of who He is) from only being head knowledge, but letting it flow to our hearts.

To learn more about Amy visit her website and find her on Instagram at @amycategannett.

To order your own copy from Amazon: Fix Your Eyes by Amy Gannett

The Good Great Thing: A Secular Jew Comes to Faith in Christ – by Andrew Klavan

It is exciting anytime any person makes the decision to follow Jesus. Choosing to live submitted to Christ who suffered and died to take away the sins of the world (even those who reject Him) – that’s a BIG “thing.”

I love reading the testimonies of believers whose stories and paths to The Lord were unexpected and sometimes even almost unexplainable. I say almost because we know that God loves each and every person He creates and desires that none would perish but come to repentance and a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:9)

For novelist and screenwriter Andrew Klavan it was an unlikely twist in his life just before he turned 50 years old.

I’m looking forward to reading Andrew’s story and learning about his journey to Jesus.

You can learn more about Andrew on his website and find him on Instagram at @theandrewklavan.

To order your own copy from Amazon: The Great Good Thing by Andrew Klavan

All My Knotted-Up Life: A Memoir – by Beth Moore

I don’t remember when I first heard Beth Moore’s name. But I do know that her work as an author and teacher goes back to when I was just a high school freshman.

With all the books I have read, it might seem odd, but I’ll admit it anyway, this is my first Beth Moore book. I’m not sure why… but I can tell you that everywhere I go people are talking about this one. It’s Beth’s memoir and life is messy, for everyone. So I imagine that this book, whose title implies that there was messiness (or difficulty) was not easy to write and might not be easy to read.

But, like I said above about Andrew Klavan’s book – the stories of how we come to Christ. How we stay with Christ. How we submit our lives, accepting that we are better off in His presence even if for a day in His courts than a thousand elsewhere (Psalm 84:10) – those are stories that build us and stick with us. I’m excited to read Beth’s.

To learn more about Beth visit her website and find her on Instagram at @bethmoorelpm

To order your own copy from Amazon: All My Knotted Up Life by Beth Moore

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"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits."

Matthew 7:15-20 ESV