If you’re going to choose only one book on apologetics this year – read this one! Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture is a must read for any Christian who wants to be ready to share and defend their faith and worldview in our rapidly evolving culture… and to do it as the Apostle Peter encouraged, with gentleness and respect.
Whether you decide to read this book straight through or tackle just a single topic or section at a time, it will help to grow your apologetics aptitude and encourage you in your Christian faith. Topics range from shifts in the culture that have affected the perception of Christianity to how to engage in challenging conversations on topics like identity, abortion, and crises of faith. I found Neil Shenvi’s chapter to be the most approachable article on contemporary critical theory I’ve ever engaged with and Jonalyn Fincher’s article, “Defending Femininity,” so encouraging for women in the Church.
No matter how fast or how much society changes, the Good News is still the best news there is and as Christians we are called to share it. But we cannot forget that how we deliver, defend, and daily model our faith, will affect how it is received. In a postmodern, post-Christian culture this book has arrived right on time to help Christians grow in their ability to defend the faith with gentleness and respect. As Sean McDowell, general editor, writes, “Apologetics in our ever-changing culture must be about taking timeless truths and applying them to timely issues and challenges.”
This book will help you do exactly that.
Order a copy on Amazon.
If you’re going to choose only one book on apologetics this year – read this one! Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture is a must read for any Christian who wants to be ready to share and defend their faith and worldview in our rapidly evolving culture… and to do it as the Apostle Peter encouraged, […]
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Apologists and apologetics are often heard as big words that inspire images of older men in tweed jackets, sitting by fireplaces, smoking pipes. Are you picturing C.S. Lewis yet? But the truth is that everyone is an apologist and has an apologetic for something. That includes you, whether you realize it or not. An apologist […]
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One of the most amazing parts of God choosing to have you live in the world at this time in human history is the incredible access you currently have to a wide variety of helpful resources and tools you can use to study the Bible. Below I’ve included some helpful information on the various kinds […]
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When I thought about what book I’d like to study through slowly this summer, the book of Ruth was at the top of my list. 2024 has already been one of the toughest years of my life. My family and I have walked through a lot of uncertainty and big decisions. God has been faithful […]
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Biblical encouragement for Christian women
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