I grew up Catholic. Like really Catholic. Not Latin mass Catholic, but go-to-church every Sunday no matter where you are in the world Catholic. Want to go on a trip somewhere but you won’t be able to make it to mass on Sunday, then you “can’t go Catholic.” Looking back at my parent’s devotion to […]
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As I’m watching the revival happening at Asbury University (and the other college campuses it is spreading to), I keep thinking how “hungry” these young people are for God. How much they are craving closeness to Jesus. The world is starving spiritually. We have looked for sustenance in places, ideas and people who cannot feed […]
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Sometimes you might “hear a word” or “get a word” from the Lord. Other times perhaps you feel that small stirring inside of you giving direction. And sometimes (if you’re like me) you get what I refer to as the “Holy Spirt Woosh.” I’m pretty sure that “woosh” doesn’t appear anywhere in the Bible, but […]
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I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in freedom of religion. I believe in the right to peaceably assemble and protest. I believe our national and world leadership, and in fact every person should take a stand against the oppression, exploitation and violation of people throughout the world. I believe that ALL human life […]
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Today I’m staying home. Not because I don’t believe in equal rights. Not because I don’t believe in dignity for all people. Today I’m staying home because I believe our President and our nation needs my prayers more than my protests. Today I’m staying home because I’m hopeful, not in one man or one administration, […]
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If you spend much time scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest you’ve probably found yourself drawn to images that are beautiful. The ones that are pretty and perfectly arranged. From gorgeous portraits of people who look like they belong in a J.Crew catalog to perfectly hand lettered graphics of heart catching quotes. As humans we’re drawn […]
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I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “be careful what you wish for.” 18 days ago I was wishing for snow. I was dreaming of a white Christmas (are you hearing Bing Crosby’s voice right now? Me too.) And just when I thought we wouldn’t get snow over winter break, the weather changed and it […]
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Whether you jumped out of bed this morning ready to take on the world or you rolled over, pulled the covers over your head and waited until the last possible moment you could… you did it! You’ve started the first Monday of 2017; only 51 more Mondays to go this year. Much to the chagrin […]
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Honestly, I can’t think of a single one; I’ve just never really gotten into making New Year’s Resolutions. But this year have I think I’m going to do it. How about you? Do you make and keep New Year’s Resolutions? Or are you more inclined to make and break them? Or maybe just not make […]
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It would be easy to be stressed today. The last Monday before Christmas and just six days to go until the big day. I don’t know about you, but my day isn’t turning out to be particularly productive. My little one went to bed last night with sniffles and woke this morning with ear aches […]
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Earlier this week my daughter had a melt-down. A total and complete seven-year-old melt dowwwwwn. It was awful. Tantrums thrown by three-year-olds are terrible, but tantrums thrown by seven-year-olds are even worse. In the end it came out that a few kids at school had said some really ugly and cruel things to her. They had spoken lies […]
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I’m gonna get right to the point today: Is there something people in your life keep encouraging you to do? Something the people who know you best keep suggesting you should try? Maybe you’ve been encouraged to start a new business, take a new class, make a career change, try online dating or move to […]
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"For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children."
ROMANS 8: 14-16, ESV
“A quiet heart is content with what God gives.”
Biblical encouragement for Christian women
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